Sunday, June 11th -
2nd Sunday after Pentecost
7AM - Missa Pro Populo
8:30AM - Private Intention
10:30AM - Andrew Pheasant
Monday, June 12th - St. John of San Fecundo, Confessor
8AM - Allora Atiyeh
Tuesday, June 13th - St. Anthony of Padua, Confessor & Doctor
8AM - Robert Gallagher
Wednesday, June 14th - St. Basil the Great, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
8AM - Our Lady of Guadalupe Association
Thursday, June 15th - Ss. Vitus and Companions, Martyrs
8AM - Carole Thomas
Friday, June 16th - Sacred Heart of Jesus
8AM - Private Intention
7PM - †Repose of the soul of Michael Bloom
Saturday, June 17th - St. Gregory Barbarigo, Bishop
8AM - Dave McGonagle
The Sacrament of Penance is offered 30 minutes before each weekday Mass.
Requests are also taken after Mass as time dictates.
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Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, because I am meek and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. |
Sunday, June 18th -
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
7AM - Missa Pro Populo
8:30AM - Private Intention
10:30AM - Cristina, Alex, & Lucia Atiyeh
1PM - Juventutem Mass at the Carmelite Monastery
Monday, June 19th - St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin
8AM - All Poor Souls
*Please remember to silence or shut off your cell phones when coming into church.
There is a coffee social each week after the 8:30AM Mass and potluck and catechism after the 10:30AM Mass on Sundays.
Due to the upcoming move over to Holy Ghost Parish and the preparation that has to be done, the Men’s Group will not meet this coming Wednesday.
This coming Saturday, June 17th, we will make a procession in Honor of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord and pray the fifteen decades of the Rosary downtown. This will happen at 9AM and will replace the women’s Rosary and Altar society meeting. I would also like the Girls’ Youth group to come in place of their meeting.
On Sunday, June 25th, we will have only the 7AM Mass at St. Stephen of Hungary Church.
The 8:30 and 10:30AM Masses will be at Holy Ghost Church. Parking on the campus
of Holy Ghost should be reserved for handicapped and older parishioners. There is street
parking and a parking garage at New Street which is free on Sunday. We will have to
offer up the inconvenience of this adjustment for our sanctity and the good of the parish.
On June 25th, we will have a Parish Picnic at Franko Park (1301 Black River Rd.) starting
at noon. All are invited so that our new parishioners can meet everyone.
Mass times/places will be announced next week for June 19-24.
-Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, FSSP