Sunday, June 4th -
The Most Holy Trinity
7AM - Anya Ferris
8:30AM - Private Intention
10:30AM - Missa Pro Populo
Monday, June 5th - St. Boniface, Bishop & Martyr
8AM - Luke Bennett Andrew Thomas
Tuesday, June 6th - St. Norbert, Bishop & Confessor
8AM - Tess McGonagle
Wednesday, June 7th - Feria
8AM - Taylor Dengler
Thursday, June 8th - Corpus Christi
8AM - Carole Thomas
Friday, June 9th - Ss. Primus & Felician, Martyrs
8AM - Souls in Purgatory
Saturday, June 10th - St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland
8AM - Mazziotti Family
The Sacrament of Penance is offered 30 minutes before each weekday Mass.
Requests are also taken after Mass as time dictates.
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At that time Jesus said to the multitudes of the Jews: My Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed. He that eateth My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood, abideth in Me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father, so he that eateth Me, the same also shall live by Me. This is the bread that came down from Heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. He that eateth this Bread shall live for ever. |
Sunday, June 11th -
2nd Sunday after Pentecost
7AM - Missa Pro Populo
8:30AM - Private Intention
10:30AM - Andrew Pheasant
Monday, June 12th - St. John of San Fecundo, Confessor
8AM - Allora Atiyeh
*Please remember to silence or shut off your cell phones when coming into church.
There is a coffee social each week after the 8:30AM Mass and potluck and catechism after the 10:30AM Mass on Sundays.
This coming Saturday, June 10th, the Friends of St. Dominic Savio will meet from 9-10:30AM.
This week, Fr. Joseph Lee, FSSP, is coming to give a conference on the Sacred Liturgy.
The schedule is:
Tuesday, June 6th
7:30 AM - Confessions
8:00 AM - Mass
8:45 AM - Rosary
9:00 AM - Breakfast
9:30-10:30 AM - Conference
Wednesday, June 7th:
Same schedule as Tuesday plus:
6:00-7:00 PM - Conference
7:00-8:00 - Exposition/Benediction of
the Most Blessed Sacrament
Thursday, June 8th:
Same schedule as Tuesday
-Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, FSSP