While browsing online not long ago, we came across this old article in the Morning Call from 1998 about the Traditional Latin Mass when it was offered at St. Roch's in West Bangor, PA. It's amazing to think that it was started there nearly 20 years ago in 1995 by Msgr. Moss (R.I.P)! Some people wondered as time went on there what would eventually happen to the Latin Mass Community there if something should happen to our late, beloved pastor. After Monsignor passed away in 2006, the Latin Mass Community was served for only a little longer at St. Roch's before being transferred to St. Stephen's where it remains to this day with Fr. Seifert taking the reins.
What started as a once per month Mass has grown to be said every Sunday, most Holy Days and during the week as well. We now have had Nuptial Masses, Requiem Masses, Baptisms, Confessions and Confirmations offered according to the traditional Form at St. Stephen's. What's more is that the Traditional Latin Mass is also offered at 3 other locations once per month each in the Allentown Diocese (with two of them starting within the past 3 years)! At this rate, one wonders when (rather than if) a dedicated parish will be established for those attached to the Traditional Latin Mass and its spirituality.
St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us!
After looking at some of the traffic statistics for our parish website, we noticed that some are finding old posts like this one from before our parish was placed under the care of the FSSP. We are deeply grateful to all who have helped make our parish thrive over the past few years.