***You may watch live and prerecorded Masses here at LiveMass.net. This is a ministry of the FSSP.***
Our parish church will be open daily for private prayer from 6:45AM - 9:30AM. Our pastor, Fr. Pendergraft, recommends people make frequent spiritual Communions. For how to do this, see this post: Making a Spiritual Communion.
Sunday, March 29th - Passion Sunday
Our parish church will be open daily for private prayer from 6:45AM - 9:30AM. Our pastor, Fr. Pendergraft, recommends people make frequent spiritual Communions. For how to do this, see this post: Making a Spiritual Communion.
Sunday, March 29th - Passion Sunday
(Private Mass) - Missa Pro Populo
Monday, March 30th - Feria of Lent
(Private Mass) - All Poor Souls in Purgatory
(Private Mass) - All Poor Souls in Purgatory
Tuesday, March 31st - Feria of Lent
(Private Mass) - Asher McGonagle
(Private Mass) - Asher McGonagle
Wednesday, April 1st - Feria of Lent
(Private Mass) - All Poor Souls in Purgatory
Thursday, April 2nd - Feria of Lent
(Private Mass) - † Repose of souls of George, Elizabeth & Linda Pike
Friday, April 3rd - Feria of Lent
(Private Mass) - Saint Monica Association
Saturday, April 4th - Feria of Lent
(Private Mass) - Our Lady of Guadalupe Association
The Sacrament of Penance is offered 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Requests are also taken after Mass as time dictates.
Under thy patronage we fly,
O Holy Mother of God:
Reject not our prayers we send up to thee in our necessities,
But ever deliver us in time of peril,
O Virgin glorious and blessed
Sunday, April 5th - Palm Sunday
(Private Mass) - Missa Pro Populo
All Masses are private in the Allentown diocese, which seems it will extend through Holy Week. Please continue to pray that the need for these measures may come to an end very soon.
Please continue to unite yourselves to the Mass spiritually and make spiritual Communions to unite yourself to Our Lord.
I will continue to add content to the parish website to help you through this difficult time. I hope it helps.