Sunday, April 14th -
2nd Sunday after Easter
*7AM -
8:30AM - Dennis & Maria Mitchell
10:30AM - Missa Pro Populo
Monday, April 15th - Feria
8AM - The Schultz Family
Tuesday, April 16th - Feria
8AM - Lauren Emig
Wednesday, April 17th - Feria
8AM - †Repose of the soul of Eric Canlas
Thursday, April 18th - Feria
8AM - †Repose of the soul of Ivan Jubinski
Friday, April 19th - Feria
8AM - Connor Smith
Saturday, April 20th - Feria
8AM - Aaron Boyer
Sunday, April 21st -
3rd Sunday after Easter
*7AM -
8:30AM - †Repose of the soul of Bea Benninghoff
10:30AM - Missa Pro Populo
*Offered at St. Stephen of Hungary Oratory
Confessions are heard starting 30 minutes before each weekday Mass and from 8AM until 11:30AM at Holy Ghost Church on Sundays.
At that time Jesus said to His disciples: A little while, and now you shall not see Me: and again a little while, and you shall see Me: because I go to the Father. Then some of His disciples said one to another: What is this that He saith to us: A little while, and you shall not see Me: and again a little while, and you shall see Me, and because I go to the Father? They said therefore: What is this that He saith, A little while? We know not what He speaketh. And Jesus knew that they had a mind to ask Him. And He said to them: Of this do you inquire among yourselves, because I said: A little while, and you shall not see Me: and again a little while, and you shall see Me? Amen, amen, I say to you, that you shall lament and weep, but the world shall rejoice: and you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. A woman, when she is in labour, hath sorrow, because her hour is come; but when she hath brought forth the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. So also you now indeed have sorrow: but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice: and your joy no man shall take from you. |
Each week on Sundays there is a coffee social after the 8:30AM Mass and potluck and catechism after the 10:30AM Mass in the church hall downstairs. Visitors are invited to join us.
The Pro-Life Holy Hour and meeting will be on Wednesday, April 17th at 6PM at St. Stephen’s.
We wish to thank everyone who joined 40 Days for Life Vigil in prayer and fasting. We are aware of 4 children saved during this prayer vigil.
Pennsylvanians for Human Life will have flowers available for donation on Mothers’ Day, Sunday, May 12th. This is their only fundraiser and your generosity helps fund the March for Life buses, 40 Days for Life campaigns, Fair Booth expenses, and Pro-Life brochures.
The Girls’ Youth Group will be hosting a Ladies’ Tea and Fashion Show for all ladies and girls ages 7 and up (nursing babies are welcome) from 1-4PM on Saturday, April 20th. Guest speakers are Fr. Pendergraft and Mrs. Lynn Albanese. The Women’s Rosary and Altar Society will not meet that day so that the ladies and girls of the parish may attend the tea/fashion show. Space is limited. Kindly RSVP by April 15th.