Weekly Announcements: Dec. 17 - Dec. 24th


Sunday, December 17th - 3rd Sunday of Advent (Gaudete)
7AM - St. Stephen of Hungary Church
8:30AM - Holy Ghost Church
10:30AM - Holy Ghost Church
1PM - Carmelite Monastery

Monday, December 18th - Major Feria of Advent
8AM - Holy Ghost Church

Tuesday, December 19th - Major Feria of Advent
8AM - Holy Ghost Church
6:30PM - St. Nicholas Church

Wednesday, December 20th - Ember Wednesday of Advent
8AM - Holy Ghost Church

Thursday, December 21st - St. Thomas, Apostle
8AM - Holy Ghost Church

Friday, December 22nd - Ember Friday of Advent
8AM - Holy Ghost Church

Saturday, December 23rd - Ember Saturday of Advent
8AM - Holy Ghost Church

Sunday, December 24th - Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord
7AM - St. Stephen of Hungary Church
8:30AM - Holy Ghost Church
10:30AM - Holy Ghost Church

Confessions are heard starting 30 minutes before each weekday Mass and from 8AM until 12PM at Holy Ghost Church on Sundays.

Sacred Art
Then Mary the Mother of Jesus was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Whereupon Joseph her husband, being a just man and not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately. But while he thought on these things behold the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.
-St. Matthew 1: 18-21


Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday this week are Ember Days. Traditionally, these are penitential days of fasting and partial abstinence (full abstinence on Friday) four times each year, at the change of the seasons.

On Monday, December 25th, the Christmas Mass schedule at Holy Ghost Parish is as follows:
Midnight Mass at Holy Ghost Church
7AM Mass at St. Stephen of Hungary Oratory
8:30AM Mass at Holy Ghost Church
10:30AM Mass at Holy Ghost Church

At Holy Ghost Parish each week on Sundays there is a coffee social after the 8:30AM Mass and potluck and catechism after the 10:30AM Mass in the church hall downstairs.

Since the merger of St. Stephen of Hungary and Holy Ghost Parishes that occurred on June 20th, only a 7AM Sunday Mass will be offered at St. Stephen of Hungary Church. Confessions will be heard before Mass starting at 6:30AM.