Weekly Announcements: Aug 14th - Aug 21st



Sunday, August 14th - 10th Sunday after Pentecost
7AM - Private Intention
8:30AM - Lopez Family
10:30AM - Missa Pro Populo

Monday, August 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8AM - +Repose of the soul of Mary Louise Walsh
7PM - Missa Pro Populo

Tuesday, August 16th - St. Joachim
8AM - +Repose of the soul of Stanislaus Chlebowski

Wednesday, August 17th - St. Hyacinth
8AM - +Repose of the soul of Bela Kamensky

Thursday, August 18th - Feria
8AM - Wedding Benefactors of John & Heaven Gallagher

Friday, August 19th - St. John Eudes
8AM Mary Kardos

Saturday, August 20th - St. Bernard
8AM - +Repose of the souls of Mr. & Mrs. Hendrikus Seesink

The Sacrament of Penance is offered 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Requests are also taken after Mass as time dictates.

At that time, Jesus going out of the coasts of Tyre, came by Sidon to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis. And they bring to Him one deaf and they besought him that he would lay his hand upon him. And taking him from the multitude apart, he put his fingers into his ears, and spitting, he touched his tongue: And looking up to heaven, he groaned, and said to him: Ephpheta, which is, Be thou opened. And immediately his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke right.
-St. Mark 7: 31-35

Sunday, August 21st - 11th Sunday after Pentecost
7AM - Private Intention
8:30AM - Missa Pro Populo
10:30AM - +Repose of the soul of Richard Lloyd


*Please remember to silence or shut off your cell phones when coming into church.

There is a coffee social each week after the 8:30AM Mass and potluck and catechism after the 10:30AM Mass on Sundays.

This Monday, August 15th, is the feast of the Assumption. There will be Masses at 8AM and 7PM. 

The Pro-Life Holy Hour is this Wednesday, August 17th from 6-7PM, followed by a meeting and talk by Fr. Lopez

The Women's Rosary and Altar Society meets this coming Saturday, August 20th after the 8AM Mass. 

The Girls' Youth Group meets from 3-4:30PM on Saturday as well.

-Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, FSSP