Weekly Announcements: June 13th - June 20th



7AM - Missa Pro Populo
8:30AM - Private Intention
10:30AM - † Repose of the soul of Agnes Murray

Monday, June 14th - St. Basil the Great
8AM - Intentions of the Mitchell Family

Tuesday, June 15th - Feria
8AM † Repose of the soul of Laurie Denegar

Wednesday, June 16th - Feria
8AM - † Repose of the soul of Marian Beiter

Thursday, June 17th - St. Gregory Barbarigo
8AM - † Repose of the soul of Monica Carpency

Friday, June 18th - St. Ephrem of Syria
8AM Vincent Gallagher, Sr.

Saturday, June 19th - St. Juliana of Falconieri
8AM Lee Gallagher

The Sacrament of Penance is offered 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Requests are also taken after Mass as time dictates.

[Jesus] said to Simon: Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said to him: Master, we have labored all the night, and have taken nothing: but at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they enclosed a very great multitude of fishes, and their net broke. And they beckoned to their partners that were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they were almost sinking. Which when Simon Peter saw, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying: Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was wholly astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken. And so were also James and John the sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's partners. And Jesus saith to Simon: Fear not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And having brought their ships to land, leaving all things, they followed him..
-St. Luke 5: 4-11

Sunday, June 20th - 4th Sunday after Pentecost
7AM - Private Intention
8:30AM - Father's Day
10:30AM - Missa Pro Populo
Pro Life Holy Hour and Meeting - Wednesday June 16th: 6:00 - 7:00 Holy Hour, 7:00 - 7:30 Meeting. Please join us for all or any part of the Holy Hour and meeting.

This coming Saturday, June 19th, the women’s Rosary and Altar Society will meet after the 8 A.M. Mass.

Also on Saturday the 19th, the Girls’ Youth Group will meet from 2-3:30 at Putt U miniature golf (weather permitting).

Potluck and catechism will be held after the 10:30 A.M. Mass..

-Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, FSSP