Sunday, July 5th - 5th Sunday after Pentecost
7AM (Low Mass) - † Repose of soul of the Msgr. Charles T. Moss
8:30AM (Low Mass) - Private Intention
10:15AM (High Mass) - Missa Pro Populo
8:30AM (Low Mass) - Private Intention
10:15AM (High Mass) - Missa Pro Populo
Monday, July 6th - Feria
8AM (Low Mass) - Brian Emig
Tuesday, July 7th - Sts. Cyril & Methodius
8AM (Low Mass) - St. Monica Association
Wednesday, July 8th - St. Elizabeth of Partugal
8AM (Low Mass) - † Repose of souls of George, Elizabeth, & Linda Pike
Thursday, July 9th - Feria
8AM (Low Mass) - All Poor Souls
Friday, July 10th - Sever Holy Brothers & Sts. Rufina & Secunda
8AM (Low Mass) - Our Lady of Guadalupe Association
Saturday, July 11th - Saturday of Our Lady
8AM (Low Mass) - Intentions of the Confraternity of St. Peter
The Sacrament of Penance is offered 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Requests are also taken after Mass as time dictates.
In those days again, when there was a great multitude, and had nothing to eat; calling his disciples together, he saith to them: I have compassion on the multitude, for behold they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat. And if I shall send them away fasting to their home, they will faint in the way; for some of them came from afar off. And his disciples answered him: From whence can any one fill them here with bread in the wilderness? And he asked them: How many loaves have ye? Who said: Seven. And taking the seven loaves, giving thanks, he broke, and gave to his disciples for to set before them; and they set them before the people. And they had a few little fishes; and he blessed them, and commanded them to be set before them. And they did eat and were filled.
-St. Mark 8 : 1-8
Sunday, July 12th - 6th Sunday after Pentecost
7AM (Low Mass) - Missa Pro Populo
8:30AM (Low Mass) - Peter, Sammy Jo, & Eric Mitchell
10:15AM (High Mass) - Souls in Purgatory
8:30AM (Low Mass) - Peter, Sammy Jo, & Eric Mitchell
10:15AM (High Mass) - Souls in Purgatory
I wish to remind all members of the parish that there will be 3 Masses again next week as there are this week. The Masses are to be attended by those whose last name begins with the following letter:
7 AM: G-M
8:30 AM: N-Z
10:15 AM: A-F
Please try to follow this if possible.
First Communion classes begin today after the 10:15AM Mass. The date for First Holy Communion will be Saturday, August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption
Thank you for volunteering to wipe the church surfaces down between Masses. There are additional wipes on the window sills for your use as well.
May God reward you.
7 AM: G-M
8:30 AM: N-Z
10:15 AM: A-F
Please try to follow this if possible.
First Communion classes begin today after the 10:15AM Mass. The date for First Holy Communion will be Saturday, August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption
Thank you for volunteering to wipe the church surfaces down between Masses. There are additional wipes on the window sills for your use as well.
May God reward you.
-Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, FSSP