Weekly Announcements: January 8th - January 15th

Sunday, January 8th - The Holy Family
7:45am (Low Mass) - Missa pro populo
10:15am (High Mass) - Repose of the soul of Marilyn Lessel
Monday, January 9th - Feria After Epiphany
8:00am (Low Mass) - The Baumer and Acosta Colque Families
Tuesday, January 10th - Feria After Epiphany
8:00am (Low Mass) - † Repose of the soul of Margaret Heyer
Wednesday, January 11th - St. Hyginus, Pope & Martyr
8:00am (Low Mass) - † Repose of the soul of Elizabeteh Pike
Thursday, January 12th - Feria After Epiphany
8:00am (Low Mass) - † Repose of the soul of Margaret Heyer
Friday, January 13th - Commemoration of the Baptism of the Lord
8:00am (Low Mass) - Reconciliation of Greg and JoAnne Bartollota
Saturday, January 14th - St. Hilary, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church
8:00am (Low Mass) - Private Intention of Sean Pendrak

The Sacrament of Penance is offered 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Requests are also taken after Mass as time dictates.

Sunday, January 15th - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
7:45am (Low Mass) - Michael and Nancy Emig
10:15am (High Mass) - Missa pro populo

Visitors, please join the parish family for refreshments and fellowship in the social hall following the 10:15am Mass on Sundays. Fr. Pendergraft teaches Catechism to all ages for 30 minutes beginning at 12:30pm. 
There is a parish brunch today after the 10:15am Mass. All are welcome. There will be a brief talk on the finances of the parish afterward.

There are blessed Epiphany water and chalk in the vestibule of the church. You may take these sacramentals to sprinkle in your homes and write the blessing of the Three Kings above the doors into your house.

Epiphany, which we celebrated on January 6th (also known as Twelfth Night, Theophany, or Three Kings Day) marks the Christian tradition of "chalking the doors." The formula for the ritual is simple: take Blessed chalk and write the following above the entrance of your home: 20 + C + M + B + 17. The letters have two meanings. First, they represent the initials of the Magi - Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They also abbreviate the Latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat: "May Christ bless the house." The "+" signs represent the cross. The "20" at the beginning and the "17" at the end mark the year. The inscription is a request that Christ bless the marked homes and stay with those who dwell therein throughout the year. This is normally done by a priest or the father of a family. 

-Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, FSSP