Weekly Announcements: March 20th 2016 A.D.

And the multitudes that went before and that followed, cried, saying: Hosanna to the son of David.
This coming Sunday, March 20th 2016 A.D. is Palm Sunday. Please see the upcoming Mass schedule and announcements below.

At St. Stephen of Hungary Church
510 West Union St. Allentown, PA 18101
Sunday, March 20th at 10:15am (Missa Cantata)
Celebrant: Fr. Zambelli
  • We will have the traditional Blessing of Palms and Procession before Mass. 
  • Confessions will be heard 20 minutes prior to Mass
  • The full Propers and Scripture Readings for Mass with a translation may be found here.
  • Schola members please arrive by 9:30am for warmup and rehearsal. 
  • The Rosary will be prayed starting around 9:50am in the church.

Monday, March 21th at 12:10pm (Low Mass)*
*N.B.: The Traditional Latin Mass will be offered at St. Stephen's on all Mondays during Lent at 12:10pm. We're very grateful to our priests who will be coming each week to offer this Mass. Please consider making attending this Mass part of your Lenten practice.

Maundy (Holy) Thursday, March 23rd at 7:00pm (Missa Cantata)
Celebrant: Fr. Connolly

Easter Sunday, March 27th at 10:15am (Missa Cantata) 
Celebrant: Fr. Zambelli


Men and boys of the parish are invited to serve for Holy Mass. Please see Mr. Ted Heffner (or call at 610-797-6327) for more information regarding schedules and training.

All people are invited to stay for a snack and a cup of coffee. Please bring a snack to share keeping in mind that during Lent some people are cutting back on sweets. Consider bringing fruit, veggies, nuts, crackers, cheese or something else.  Also, please remember to invite visitors to join the fun. 
We need several people to help with set up and clean up each week. Please talk to Tessa DeMaster if you are willing to help.  

All are invited to the DeMaster Farm on Divine Mercy Sunday for a time of prayer and fun. On Sunday, April 3, in lieu of our normal Agape after Mass at St. Stephen's, we will have a potluck lunch, an egg hunt for the children and time to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet as a community at the farm. More details will be posted in the coming weeks. Save the Date!

If you or any of your children would like to receive the Sacraments according to the Traditional Rite, please make sure you're registered at St. Stephen's and contact Fr. Schoenauer at the Cathedral Rectory at 610-433-6461 to request this along with any required preparation. 

The 40 Days for Life ends on March 20. Thank you for participating through prayer in this event. If you haven't seen it yet, the national website is  www.40daysforlife.com/Allentown -Add your name to be part of the campaign and get the daily prayers and updates. Questions about our local campaign contact schedule40dfl@gmail.com

This coming Sunday, the Traditional Latin Mass will also be offered at:

St. Mary Roman Catholic Church
250 South 12th St.
Reading, PA 19602
3rd Sunday of each month: 12:30pm
Berks County Traditional Latin Mass Community