
Parable of the Sower, Luke 8: 4-15
This coming Sunday, January 31st 2016 A.D. is Sexagesima Sunday. The Traditional Latin Mass will be offered at the following times and locations in the Allentown Diocese.
10:15am Missa Cantata
Confessions will be heard 20 minutes prior to Mass
St. Stephen of Hungary Church
Celebrant: Msgr. Francis Nave
3:00pm Low Mass
There will be a pot luck social in the church basement after Mass.
St. Cecilia Chapel (formerly St. Canicus Church)
Celebrant: Fr. Edward Connolly
The readings are as follows:
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11: 19-33; 12: 1-9
Gosple: Luke 8: 4-15

This coming Sunday, January 31st 2016 A.D. is Sexagesima Sunday. The Traditional Latin Mass will be offered at the following times and locations in the Allentown Diocese.
10:15am Missa Cantata
Confessions will be heard 20 minutes prior to Mass
St. Stephen of Hungary Church
Celebrant: Msgr. Francis Nave
3:00pm Low Mass
There will be a pot luck social in the church basement after Mass.
St. Cecilia Chapel (formerly St. Canicus Church)
Celebrant: Fr. Edward Connolly
The readings are as follows:
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11: 19-33; 12: 1-9
Gosple: Luke 8: 4-15